Friends of the Nashua River Rail Trail (FoNNRT) is a group of volunteers dedicated to encouraging, supporting, and promoting the preservation, maintenance, and improvement of the Nashua River Rail Trail. We view the trail as an invaluable recreational resource for local residents and visitors. We assist with and organize activities to maintain and improve the trail.
Our core group of volunteers meets most months to plan and organize our upcoming projects, which include spring and fall trail cleanups.
August 16, 2023 7:00 PM: Friends of the Nashua River Rail Trail meeting
via Zoom. Contact for information.
Regular monthly Friends meeting
Become a Friend
We invite you to join the Friends email list. You'll receive a monthly update and notice of special events.
Join the Email List!
The Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA) serves as our Fiscal Agent, ensuring that all donations to FoNRRT are fully tax deductible. Make your donation to the NRWA and indicate that you want to direct the funds to Friends of the Nashua River Rail Trail. Thank you!
More Ways to Help
You can help by volunteering for our cleanups or joining our planning committee. You can also contact your local government officials and let them know the importance of the trail for you and your family. If you want to get more involved, drop us a line.